Zaha Hadid Tribute Event

"I am honored to be a keynote speaker at Zaha Hadid’s tribute event in London next week. The event is organized by the Iraqi Community in the UK and is open to all."- RAYA ANI

Please join us to celebrate the life and work of an exceptional woman and one of the greatest architects of our time…

Zaha Hadid Tribute Event

"I am honored to be a keynote speaker at Zaha Hadid’s tribute event in London next week. The event is organized by the Iraqi Community in the UK and is open to all."- RAYA ANI

Please join us to celebrate the life and work of an exceptional woman and one of the greatest architects of our time…

Zaha Hadid Tribute Event

"I am honored to be a keynote speaker at Zaha Hadid’s tribute event in London next week. The event is organized by the Iraqi Community in the UK and is open to all."- RAYA ANI

Please join us to celebrate the life and work of an exceptional woman and one of the greatest architects of our time…

Marina Tower

Finally.. we are ready to share.. RAW-NYC Architects design for a hotel tower in Dubai- which is your preferred option (L, R, C)? we would love to hear your feedback! Please let us know in the comments below!


Won Liberland Design Competition

It is official!
RAW-NYC design proposal for Liberland Design Competition won first place.
Congratulations to RAW-NYC team for Liberland.

Zukak & Mahala

Rebuilding the Iraqi community one ZUKAK at a time!

Logo design by the talented Cathy Hanna!

AIA Middle East Presidents

Presidents of AIA Middle East Chapter (past, present, future) - Tannar
at #AIAcon16 #philadelphia #AIAMiddleEast#AIAconvention #architects #AIA 


Algae-powered sustainable micro-nation of innovators

Congratulations LIVE AND LET LIVE Team for RAW-NYC Initiative for Liberland.

We were selected in the top 12. Now it is open to public voting.

if you are interested in leaning more and voting for our entry. Follow the link There are three boards and below is the narrative.

RAW-NYC for Liberland

Algae-powered sustainable micro-nation of innovators

RAW-NYC for Liberland

The world’s first algae-powered micro-nation



RAW-NYC for Liberland envisions a micro-nation formed by an open source society that embraces freedom and provides equal opportunities to innovate. A value synonymous with freedom, innovation safeguards the needs of future generations. The systems of Liberland’s built and natural environment are integrated to create unlimited opportunities for its citizens regardless of their ethnicity, race, age, gender or profession, allowing them to reach their full potential and participate collectively in financial gains. The urban environment is constructed in dense nodes around transport using Inverted Archeology, an urban design and architecture technique specifically formulated by the RAW-NYC for Liberland team for this project, whereby the city-state is built in consecutive temporal layers to form a self-sufficient, compact, dense, integrated and transit friendly urban fabric. It is an eco-city state with a minimal ecological footprint that cultivates and grows algae on the underside of each city layer, producing power and supporting an urban farming strategy that does not require sunlight. Simply put, Liberland is the first algae-fueled nation-state.

For Liberland

The thought came to me one morning in the early hours! being half asleep and half awake… and a few days later on October 21st 2015, RAW-NYC initiative for Liberland was born! I always believed in collaborating with like-minded people from different disciplines and different backgrounds, thus the idea of structuring the team based on the “Ten faces of Innovation” book by Kelley made complete sense!

I knew it must be a big challenge to manage and lead a large group of people from different backgrounds and experiences while crafting a vision that answers to the hopes of this micro nation as well as responding to the many challenges that comes with it.

Being able to get everyone excited and to do this beyond their day to day job by stealing hours from their personal time is not to be taken for granted. Thank you to each one of you who believed in the value of what we were doing and what Liberland represents for freedom and hope....



We are ecstatic to be on the power list again, this time the top 20 most powerful architects in the Middle East from the top 40!
Thanks to Middle East Architect (MEA) for this recognition, and to clients and collaborators for the various opportunities…… 
And congratulation to all the top 40 architects on the list….
Click the link below to view the complete article:…/top-40-most-powerful-architects…

AIA ME President 2017

Thank you all for your support and trust.....

I have been elected as the American Institute of Architects- Middle East- 2016 Vice President, 2017 President.

RAW-NYC Anniversary Celebration

RAW-NYC Anniversary Celebration

Dear Impact Hub family & friends:

Please join us as we celebrate our 2 years anniversary at Impact Hub Dubai this Friday January 15th, 2016 between 5-8 p.m

We loved our space, our office glass doors open to a beautiful garden that overlooks the Palace Hotel’s courtyard and has an amazing view of Burj Khalifa.. we usually sit in the cozy garden on colorful bean bags relaxing and chatting while looking up at the Burj Khalifa tower... 

what more can we ask for!

Many Thanks to all the people at Impact Hub Dubai who made it possible..

Thank you for your support, friendship and for being the first home for RAW-NYC in Dubai..

We couldn’t have thought of a better incubator for RAW-NYC!

It was a brilliant start.. 

As we move to Dubai Design District, we are grateful for the friendships we made and for the wonderful people we met at Impact Hub…. 

We will forever miss RAW-NYC first home in Dubai.

#impacthubdubai #impacthub